3x DJI Inspire 1 Batteries for sale - [SOLD]

3 batteries for sale

1 - 36 charge cycles
2 - 38 charge cycles
3 - 46 charge cycles

Will take £100 a peice + £5 postage

I’m selling to raise cash, keeping 3 for myself to use.

Hi Tony

Could you add some photos, and also your location, to the advert, please.

These are things that people often like to see before buying and also possibly collect if in the correct area.


Good point, that would definitely help.

Thanks for the pointer :+1:

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I can’t seem to add images,

I’m In Litherland, Liverpool. Happy to post and accept PayPal.

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@TonyDM I’m assuming they’re all TB47s?

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Hi, btw :wave:t2:


Hi mate,

Yes they are all identical.

Some better images.

Sold on ebay.