I noticed the camera app in windows has a timer built-in for timelapse. Thought I’d have a play and managed to complete a build in one evening, forgive the poor quality this is just for fun I hadn’t set out to make a video and I wouldn’t expect anyone to make it to the end if watching.
Some of you are aware I crashed my Apex frame at the weekend and lost an arm and two motors and didn’t have spares of either nor do they seem to be available anywhere. I want to keep that one the same spec so this is just a bumper car. Video is just the build and quick hover test.
I defo feel that when I’m in the shed, but it’s too cold to be in the shed. And don’t give me any of this get a heater crap… it’s a shed. I miss the Middle-East. Went out to the my test flight yesterday and of course it started raining as I armed.
Yep, previously I could only get a Nano as a replacement. They’re terrible, and I cannot be bothered to mount it properly so I’ve got it attached to one side. It’ll go when I can get a pro.
Magnets, and pin hole tool holders (for my multi-tool) are the best features. Also very helpful for more complicated builds (not drones) when I need to keep track of order of parts. Nothing worse than mixing up a pile of resistors and having to inspect every one or find that one in a pile that is the one you need.