A photo from a awesome view in pembrokeshire


I find it so subjective it’s actually one of the reasons I hate photo/video editing … I can never decide which (sensible!) edit is the one I prefer. I have lots of abandoned projects.

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I can understand that perfectly. There comes a time when you’ve just gotta STOP.

One of mine which is on Google Maps. Not such a great boast I discovered - they’ll publish anybody’s of any quality almost. This one, I am informed by Google, has had 750,000 hits. It made me happy.


Oh I feel your pain!

That self-subjectivity gets even worse when I find that it looks amazing on the 5k Retina iMac screen and I’m finally happy with it. Then I look at it on the Windows machine and it’s looks utter fucking shite! :man_facepalming:

I second-guess / doubt myself sooooo much when editing photos these days :confused:

I save a large number of £ … and pain … by not having a 5k Retina. I know they’ll look as shite on that as they do on Windows. :+1:


I have done some complex technical adjustments on your image which I think you might find gets your a few hundred thousand more hits…No need to thank me…


You forgot the dolphins leaping through the sea.

D’oh! You see, that’s why you get paid the big bucks… I was actually looking for a unicorn, but Samsungs native gallery app just can’t keep up with my creativity…

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I use Flickr for my photography and some get into explore getting thousands of views

I began to suspect it a few days ago, but that just absolutely confirms it. Some people on here are MAD.


:thinking: That may not be subjective?

You’ve got as many ‘likes’ as my original. Isn’t that cheating???:grinning::smiley::smile:

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