A question about moving up the price range of drones

Specifically, I want to ask.

What was the flight profile like moving up from a £100 drone to say a DJi mini 2?

  • was it easier to keep stable?
  • More responsive?
  • Less drift or easier to handle in breezes?
  • More or less forgiving on the controls?
  • easier it harder to correct in flight?
  • more precise positioning and holding?
(Better able to annoy those demons!)

Thanks in advance.

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Less
  4. More
  5. Easier
  6. Yes

It will also come back and land all on its own if you lose connection.

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Chalk and Cheese


One go of a Mini 2 and you will be hooked

No comparison


Plus it has far better camera - still and video. It’s a drone you can grow into, gradually explore all the features but it is also a great beginners’ aircraft.

If you decide to get one you will be doing yourself a great favour!


In this instance, you get exactly what you pay for.


In ALL instances you get exacrltwhat you paid for!! :rofl:


As others have said, you get what you pay for.

However, I would also have a cheaper UAV where you can turn off the GPS, just so you can practice flying with the wind blowing it around … may save you if the GPS fails on the more expensive one.


It’s no secret that I’m not a big fan of things DJI, but needs must as the Devil drives.

Saying the above though the Mini2 is the best drone in its class currently on the market. I bought mine last February, and for quite sometime afterward I couldn’t understand why I did. It wasn’t until a month or so ago I got around to flying it in the great outdoors, in a 25mph wind gusting at 35mph, that my opinion of changed.

Transitioning from your Holystone to a Mini2 will be like moving up from an Austin Maxi with a dodgy clutch to a 2021 Ford Focus.


All of those. It’s a completely different and much more enjoyable experience.

So, practicing with a cheap done, because it’s more twitchy and less stable might mean they I have to fly it better, it’s more unforgiving.

A cheap done then is good for practice.

Great I have my justification :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Practice, practice, practice …

Don’t be these guys: