Agard Street, Derby - A street going through change - Part 12

Part 12 in my ongoing series documenting the vast changes on this street. Very difficult flying this street as we now have 4 cranes so you have to navigate booms and wires.


Last time I had reason to go to Agard St was when I was self employed. Went to the tax office with my yearly accounts. Had a problem with one contractor refusing to give me my SC60 form ( turns out he was fiddling his books, claiming not to know me) Luckily I had evidence to show where I had been working for 6 months of that year on his project. :wink::wink:

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That was a while ago, oh thats well dodgy did he get prosecuted by DWP ?

Got investigated by HMRC. Last I heard, he’d buggered off to Ireland ( evading them I reckon )

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Wow proper criminal !

Oooh looks like an idea candidate to setup a waypoint mission, and recapture the same footage over a timeframe and then mix them together to show the timelapse over several weeks / months!

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bit late for doing that now as it all started 2 years ago, that was my first video. I have the mini2 which doesnt have the waypoint thing.

Litchi is your friend

Works well with the Mini 2

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