ACR 17.1 now has support for the Air 3S along with app updates. I’d be interested to hear what difference it makes on moire, noise and colour artifacts etc.
Funny you should mention this, I’ve just downgraded mine back to ACR 16 last night ‘ because ‘ although I have a different drone ( not going off topic ) when you try to deniose a pano the whole picture goes luminous, I’ve spoke to Adobe about this & they have noted the problem as I believe some of it is in the beta stages so it obviously needs tweaking here & there, I see they’ve now started to add more Ai & tbh I try to steer clear of Ai ( personal preference ) Ai is the Devil that said the way things have been going recently Ai ‘ may ‘ have to become my friend
Did you downgrade from the new ACR 7.1 Rich, or an earlier version? Was that applying the AI denoise? I thought that only worked on single Raws? I generally avoid AI too, apart from stretching missing bits or the odd deletion. The idea of talking an image into existence just seems generally pointless, and still fairly obvious usually.
Yes downgraded, the new ACR 17 supports now ( hdr & pano etc ) for denoise, as the one before ( enhance ) only supported a single image / raw as you say,
Also when you apply for instance denoise or adobes profile( preset ) that supports your camera, once applied & you start masking & making other adjustments within ACR it forever keeps asking you to update profile settings & has to re render which is a bit of a nightmare & time consuming, I thought id give it a go just for the denoise but tbh I can’t say I really get on with it ( possibly user error ) but watched a couple of tutorials from a good source of content creators & the process they use but ‘ again ‘ I can’t say I really get on with it, maybe when things have been ironed out it’ll be better & if it was id only use it for the denoise,
This is worth a watch
Blimey, stacked AI on AI, all getting rather complicated, but very clear video thanks! I hardly use Photoshop now, but do it all in Lightroom Classic, so am used to the AI Denoise producing a new image before processing the rest. I guess that may have changed with ACR 17.1. Not in a rush to check as there may be other bugs.
Yes if ain’t broke don’t try & fix it ( I do )
Jokes aside id wait for it all to be out of the Beta stages ( but that’s just me )
Curious as to why you’d use Denoise on a shot with a low ISO? Denoise was developed to assist with high ISO shots where the lack of light pushed the noise up to an unacceptable level. If you run it on low ISO images I have found that the results are often less than favourable.
I find ‘ for myself ‘ the majority of my noise is noticeable in the sky at times especially when you’ve given it a good hammering, that said occasionally & or often there is no need to use denoise, I’m no expert but I also find the more you manipulate a picture sometimes equals introduces more noise
Yep, it is a balancing act and ultimately, where is the image going to be viewed/displayed? Almost all of my drone shots are seen on monitors and displays, never printed out and framed, so a bit of noise is acceptable to me if the rest of the image is giving me that “wow” factor
I totally agree with that, sometimes to much denoise makes the picture look mushy, no harm in the subject( foreground) or whatever showing a bit of ( can’t think of the word ) I’ll call it character
But to me Sky’s always look soft or fluffy hence the noise removal, still learning here but personal preference I guess.
I avoid denoise where possible, and as you later say, a bit of luma noise can be acceptable, almost like film grain. Drone sensors are mostly fairly small compared to mirrorless and DSLRs with much smaller photosites, so more prone to noise. My Air 2S has a lovely 20MP sensor, but the bottom corners can be a bit noisy. It has a 22mm equiv lens, which no doubt relies heavily on software distortion and vignetting correction, which increases noise in those areas. In low light, I occasionally use the LrC AI Denoise, which does a great job without significant loss of detail.
With the tendency towards Quad Bayer sensors, the full resolution images tend to be more prone to colour noise and moire as the colour resolution is lower than the luminance resolution, so they may require some chroma noise reduction. Some of the Air 3S 50MP DNG samples from Billy Kyle I looked at needed a bit of NR in LrC, and some had quite bad moire. I will be interested to see if the are improved by the latest ACR support for the Air 3S.
Yes, the sky blues seem prone noise when you zap them up a bit. I quite often add a touch of NR just to a Select Sky filter in LrC where smoothness is more important than detail.
Ahh, so it is possible to use the Ai Denoise on a masked area only rather than the whole image, yes? Never thought of just denoising the sky alone …
You certainly can …
No, not the AI Denoise, as that does the whole image, and saves it as a new copy. If you create a filter, either smart like Select Sky or a grad, down at the bottom of the panel is Detail, which includes conventional Noise Reduction, and Sharpness, Defringe and Moire. Not as sophisticated as the AI Denoise, but fine for sorting skies.
Didn’t see the Ai worded in there sorry for the error my bad ….