Airdata which plan do you use?

I’ve seen many posts where people have been asked to send in Airdata reports. But which plan would you recommend free or one of the paid and if paid which one do you use. I presently have 3 drones and associated batteries etc.

I have the Gold level as it supports multiple drones and you can also keep tabs on all the batteries. I find it really useful for being able to cycle the batteries more evenly. I know you can get charge cycles via the app but then you need to keep a note on how many each have had and I noticed I was using one way more than any of the others when I was trying to manually spread the load across them all.

So to me its worth it.

The free one may do all that you need you just need to remove some of the older logs to make space for the new ones and if its just for the occasional - why did this happen then the free plan is perfect.

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Cheers, I’ll try the gold, gets a bit pricey after that. Presently 3 drones 4. Batteries each, and would like at least 1 more drone.

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I have run the free version for 12months, and its done all i need.
Cant say ive noticed too many adverts to want an upgrade.
If i do upgrade ill probs go gold. Ive no need for the fleet type usage on offer, but i like to know how my batteries are doing and deing able to download my logs.
Its a great program providing lots of data in one place.


Dont forget the members discount :wink:


I would save you’re cash @Seadog and use the free version for a while you will be surprised how much info there is and if it is necessary to upgrade

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Too late already done used voucher so 20% off and dollar low at moment so took advantage of that.

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Can recomend the gold but I have a lot of flights on my account and a lot of batteries to keep an eye on.

When I get home I start downloading the stuff from the SD cards then power the controller son to upload the flight logs. Theyre almost as interesting as the pics sometimes.


got to say I am a bit of a data lover too and the flight logs are fun - do love exporting them into Google earth too sometimes for that 3D effect - well worth it just for that ( know you can do a lot of this in the free one too )

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Also on Gold here Phil @Seadog :raised_back_of_hand:t2:

Also using the Members Only member-discount that @SparkyFPV linked to above :blush:


Gold, but always use a discount code.

Never pay full price


Mine is up for renewal next week or so and we have got a few more since the last time we renewed. Not sure of the best one. I really should check.

Ok, I’ve subscribed to the gold plan and I think it’s great, lots of interesting and useful information. So why does it get such awful reviews on the app store? Which have basically put me off getting it for some 6 months. It’s only because many people on here use it that I took the plunge.

The app is not great but the website is very good - think thats the issue here is there is quite a disconnect from what the app is able to do or show with ease but the website shure makes up for it.

I am not a fan of the iOS app ( not sure if the Android app is any better )

MMM Ok will take back some of what I have said as I have not used the app in ages as it was a bit MEH in the past - but looking at it now it seems to be full featured though the UI could be a bit nicer I guess but its all there and just noticed that they have a dedicated sync app as that was one thing you could not do via the app was force the DJI data sync but seems you can now :smiley:

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Bit late to the party, but also Gold here (with the discount every year) because of the multiple drones/batteries thing. :+1:

Honestly, I hadn’t even noticed there was an app :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. I only use the website, does what it needs to quite intuitively. :slight_smile:

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Also only ever use the web site :raised_back_of_hand:t2:

I wonder if a lot of the reviews, and therefore overall bad score, date back to the days when the app was a bit pants?

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the IOS app only has two reviews from like 2 years ago - but having a bit more of a play with it this afternoon as I use to just use the web site and well its very much an App ver of the website now. It never use to be but now you can sync via the app and see all the data like that the web but optimised for a phone so yeah it seems to be alright.

First time I used it a year or so ago it was more of just a flight log screen showing the basics.


I used the free version for years, but went up to gold once I went through the 400 flights barrier :slight_smile:

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Im not far from needing the Pro subscription if I want to keep all of my flights. I like the service but Im not sure I could justify 15 dollars a month even with discount.

I’ve just paid £50 ish for annual subscription, works out at about £4.20/month.