The article below outlines Amazon’s views of a future with delivery by drone as a common occurrence.
To ensure safety some form of traffic management will be necessary, according to Amazon. So, when a drone is delivering some nice new ND filters for your drone, you will be grounded until the delivery is done. And if your neighbours are heavy Prime users and get all their requirements from Amazon then your window of opportunity for flying for fumn may be severely limited …
“Follow the money” - this is what all the hasty CAA rules and regs are all about. Removing pesky hobbiests from interfering with Amazon’s (and any other special interest) ability to make money.
Don’t get me wrong as I don’t trust Amazon but if anybody has the resources to pull the ATM system off it would be them…
I see it as a good step where thier software could (I say could because who knows what this Gov will do) make hobbyist flying safer, and potentially simpler.
All that said, I confess, I’ve always been an optomist.
I would just add that there isn’t actually anything that says that we just need to sit and let this happen. We could petition, but politicians won’t listen to that much (remember “Boatie McBoatface”) or we could campaign where they don’t want us to compaign, on “social media” - I use that phrase lightly because its anything but “social”. But that’s where these “special interest” groups feel the most threatened.