Another Parish Council Question

Could be interesting, but some might say it’s cruel to mock the afflicted :crazy_face:


Simon Dim But Well

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I have also received a message from one of the councillors who has agreed with both of the statements I made in my original comment on that post which is always good to see. Sounds like they have a past of model aircraft and drones etc!

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You may also wish to mention this lot:

Using drones to find missing dogs on almost a daily basis.

Over 900 drone pilots voluntarily giving of their time to help find lost animals - but because it’s a good news story it’s rarely in the media.


Do some photos for their website and social media , always a nice sweetener

I’ve done for my local one

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What facebook group is it ? I will keep an eye out on it.

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Sorry found it and requested to join lets see.

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That guy that says he will shoot down above his house, does he know he is threatening to discharge a firearm at public property ? air rifle becomes one once discharged, also does he know his baby toy wont even make 50m !
Looks a right muppet and responsible father letting his underage kids ride a petrol quad…I know the area he comes from and not saying they dont have new genes or anything intriduced to them often but everyone around that area is freindly (to each other not outsiders) and says “hey give me 6”
Only joking but is a village with small thinking.


Invite members of the parish council out for a drone flying demonstration, and let them take the sticks for a bit, it may be enough to break the ice, and change peoples minds that this is an enjoyable hobby, not a spying machine/ bomb dropper etc.

5-10 Years ago I used to fly rc helis In a club, we had dog walkers and the general public sharing the field, we respected each other and used common sense, no issues what so ever.


Dog owners do behave in many ways unacceptably to me and often flout local regulations.
But the worst thing you can do in my opinion to exacerbate our situation is to mention it at all in public.
They will turn on us, and many would support us otherwise.
What others do has no bearing on our position, save to worsen relations if it is raised.


Looks like he’s decided to add some more comments, if anyone fancies a laugh :joy:

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Done !..sorry abouth the picture of the X5…I am an ok guy even though I drive it !

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I like the idea of doing this, not sure how the best way to arrange it would be or what the response would be like. I guess it would be a good way to ease some nerves over the situation.


Just read your comment and also become a member of that group you mentioned, looks interesting!

I just don’t understand this guys perspective on things… :man_shrugging:t3:

I think after a while even if we feel we said wrong its hard to admit it so you continue fighting your corner and thats the case here.

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There’s certainly no point reporting it to the police. The parish council could in principle, but I doubt it in this case, collect data about drone sightings just to see how popular the hobby is becoming. They might be able to get some good publicity by designating a drone take off/ control/ landing site but no point if there are very few sightings.
It’s worth reassuring them that the photos aren’t the high resolution distant closeups through bathroom windows that some imagine them to be.
As others gave said though, aren’t tney better off focusing on dog poo and the impact of budget cuts (or should I say devolution of services) on the parish area?

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I totally agree with that. Whether we like it or not, and no matter if it is justified or not, our hobby is construed as having a strong ability to be intrusive. And remember, a large proportion of people who become elected in any body do so because they like the idea of the perception of having authority. I do like the idea of trying to educate people who do not know the correct facts about licensing, NFZs, etc. but by doing that the OP will not only publicise the fact that he/she owns and operates a drone but might, in a worst case scenario, scupper any future ideas or projects. I am thinking specifically about any planning permission that may be sought one day. There is no doubt in my mind that a lot of good honest people get themselves elected to all sorts of positions in our World but I am sure that there are an equal number who just fancy the idea of being seen as “someone” and who get a kick out of the incorrect assumption in the case of a Parish Council that they have power.

Personally, if it were me, I would just let them get on with their silly ideas and rants, keep my head down, don’t fly low over any houses inhabited by any of the Parish Councillors, and just enjoy my hobby.