Anti Drone Public Spaces Protection Orders

Yep I had a read when I was looking in to it. The “evidence” was flimsy at best.

Be interesting to know if any evidence was submitted against its introduction.

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The entire ‘problem’ that the council perceive is probably almost the very last line “Therefore, granting
permission could leave the Council liable for subsequent actions brought about by drone and
model aircraft activity when operated from land under our ownership.”
That is if they say nothing then that’s considered tacit consent, it’s easier to manage with just a blanket ban.

Drone and model aircraft pilots need to start a legal fund to challenge these PSPOs, unreasonable byelaws and council policies through judicial review.

We are taxpayers and in addition to that pay a fee to the CAA to fly only to have that undermined by overzealous councils. If we can establish a couple of precedents it’ll make it a lot harder for the rest to stand up.


The main issue is they can only be objected to before they are brought in or when they come to be renewed.

And genrally only by those with a connection with the area (other people can comment but find often they are not taken in to consideration.

The legislation itself is fundamentally flawed and open to widespread abuse by busybody councillors tbh.


I find calling them out at public meetings and social media to be quite effective.

Sounds like storytime.

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Local councillor who lied on social media about his voting habits on planning issues.

FOI are a wonderful thing (and an argumentative manner)