Anyone recommend an open space in Sheffield that I can practice flying?

Can anyone recommend a nice wide open space in Sheffield that i can practice my drone flying, im pretty new to drones but have the week off so keen to get some practice

How about some of these places that other members have already recommended @Marc2k25 ?

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Depends on the size of drone, but virtually any large park during school time would be a great starting point, but also whereabouts on Sheffield you live, I started at York Racecourse, lovely and quiet when no races during the daytime.
Parkwood Springs North seems ideal

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Hi Mark I’m totally new to flying drones too (had the drone a couple of days now) and live quite close to you in Rotherham. Took my drone to Hoober Stand, near the Wentworth Estate yesterday to do some filming and are planning the next location at Roche Abbey.

Best places if your drone is under 250g is your local park as long as it’s large enough. Just go there at quiet periods when its less likely you will have large crowds of people there.

I initially practiced at my local park in Rotherham (Clifton Park) and a staff member of the Clifton House Museum based there came over and asked about the drone so be prepared to field a load of questions off any people in the area :slight_smile:

The museum staff member even said they would be interested in any future footage I take in the area around the museum so that was a nice bonus


Hi @Badwolfe, it looks as though you’re quite new here :wave:t2:

Why not nip over to the Introductions page, and say hello properly and tell us a bit about yourself. :+1:t2:

I would look up old closed mines around your area, they are great places to fly, but even so a 250G should be good nearly any open space where you live, sometimes disused airfields are good too, just make sure on Drone scene that they don’t have any restrictions, good luck you will find somewhere you can fly and learn :slight_smile:

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Thanks everyone for your replies, i need to get over the fear of flying :sweat_smile:


I have no fear of flying, just fear of crashing :wink:

I’m an ex Sheffield lad, so I think you have loads of good choices around you. As has been asked, which part of the city are you in, plus do you drive or are you dependent on public transport?

There’s lots of lovely moorland not too far away on the west of the city, plus all those reservoirs too. One place I do want to fly next time I am over there is Wadsley Common, as I played there a lot as a kid, plus my grandma’s ashes are scattered up there.

Good luck, and hope to see some pics from you soon :slight_smile:

I live near Stannington Sheffield, I have the Dji Mini 3 and yes I drive so can travel

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Oh brilliant - I used to go to Rivelin a lot with my gran, so know Stannington. Dam Flask direction maybe or Bradfield? Lots of open countryside where you can relax and take your time doing things. The car park at Long Lane for the common might be a good TOAL place plus there plenty of flat rocks on the western edge of the common that would be good for TOAL. I’m just checking Dronescene - yup looks good, plus there is a suggested TOAL spot at Dam Flask too.

Keep an eye on the meet-ups thread, a number of us regularly visit the old Boleshill Quarry site at Wingerworth, just outside Chesterfield.