Ashton Memorial, Born Out of Love and Greaving, Williamson Park, Lancaster

I’ve tried 3 times to get a video here and failed because of the great British weather. But last weekend, on my way back from the Lakes, I managed to get the video I was after, despite a lot of wind and the drone stalling a few times. Felt fine at ground level but 100ft it was a different story!

Anyway, hope you enjoy it and the wait was worth it! :nerd_face: :crossed_fingers:


Excellent and informative video. Did you go in the Butterfly House, it’s well worth it.

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@Seadog Thanks, Phil. No, we didn’t go in unfortunately, as we were on our way back home. A quick stop, this time but will go back next visit up North. :hugs:

Very nice, has a bit of a St Paul’s cathedral look to it or reminds of it rather, also a nice balance of colours throughout superb ! :clap:

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@Kirky Cheers Rich, another of my bucket list ticked off. :hugs:

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Excellent video once again Colin, love watching your video’s, they so informative.

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Excellent video Colin, of one of my local landmarks and very informative.
Just as an aside, at 2m 34s, I can almost see my house on the horizon ( if I had a bionic eye!) Steve Austin, a man barely alive!! :joy: :joy: :joy: :+1: :+1::+1:

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Beautifully done, a real pro. See if I can follow that !!

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@Robinhood Cheers, Ian, chuffed you like it. Seems like telling a story is the way to go. :hugs:

Not a Geeksvana one tho :sleeping:
Only bants Col :joy:
Your narration is fantastic ….

I’ll look out for it :sweat_smile: must be great living close to the sea. Too many choices. Great place Lancaster. :saluting_face:

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Haha, I can never get to the end of his. :yawning_face::dizzy_face::sleeping::sleeping:

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Just keep doing what you’re doing … seriously works well :+1:

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Wow, thanks Alan, much appreciated. Wish I did get payed for it! :rofl::rofl::money_mouth_face:

Paid ? I have spent 50 years as a volunteer, see brilliant web site !!

Beer Devon

Talmine Coast

You do have a lovely smooth action (Said the actress !) I must try and match it.

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Yes, so the ladies tell me! :rofl::rofl: