Avata 2 solo flight question

G’day peeps,

I’m musing over these after seeing some intriguing video on YT,

Is there any way of legally flying one of these beauts solo? I know the big book of CAA words mention LOS and observers are required so im assuming the answer is no but i do recall one chap saying something about picture in picture or visual passthrough but i cant find the video or remember exacting what he said.

He could have been talking about something it should do rather than what is does…


legally you need a spotter as even with the passthrough. The CAA says you need to maintain VLOS without the need of additional equipment - you can use contact lenses and glasses but that is it.

Its also my understanding that you cant have someone standing down the other end of a field and in communication with you via radio / phone to aid in extending the distance of the flight ( I guess if they can shout to you thats OK as your not using equipment to communicate via )

If you look into Article 16 and FPV there is a bit of a way round this as they suggest you can fly a FPV without a spotter in a “sterile” environment - so an area that you have control over that no one can enter your area of flying. The CAA also hints to this but it seems to me to be more about racing drones in an area that has been demarcated for FPV flight.

My views on this is that the CAA has little understanding of how FPV pilots actually fly this type of drone and that even with a spotter its basically something that cant follow the letter of the law ( guidance ) 100% as a spotter has no idea of a drone doing 60mph+ if it is going to zip to the left / right / dive and they can not see behind wall’s / gaps etc - basically your spotted has to be mind mapped to you for them to truly keep an eye on the drone.

Most of these rules are around risk mitigation so all I will say is be safe - fly sensibly and enjoy :wink: :wink:


Inside a warehouse, not under control of CAA.

In another country.


Thankee kindly,

All good points.

I guess a nice quiet field in the middle of no where is the best i could do.

I’ll have to keep thinking… :slight_smile:

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I prefer the

‘If a man says something and there is no woman around to hear. Is he still wrong?’

Edit… no offense, ladies :wink:


If a man burns his hand and there’s no woman to witness it, does he still feel the pain?.. :thinking:

Take a mate its what most of us do

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Yes because her name is Karen and she says she heard you over the grass growing

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Always better to have a spotter anyway because if you crash when you take the goggles off it’s pretty much impossible to know exactly where you went down. With a spotter they can point you in the right direction :+1:t2:


I have access to a field in the middle of nowhere that its as sterile an environment I will ever be able to have and it has been great for building confidence with it to then go to other locations

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So i didn’t visit the new DJI retail store in westfields at it’s grand opening and i didn’t blag a sweet discount on an Avata 2 and i certainly didnt notice you can fly it with the Fly app on a mobile or tablet so it’s legal flying solo…

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You’re Honour :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Just took it for a naughty spin around some trees near a deserted cricket field.


Even just using the Motion 3 thingy… OMGOMGOMG…

Does anyone have any tutorial videos they would recommend?

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If you’ve flown it, no tutorial needed

Do have video to share ?

such faith :slight_smile:

I did shoot some yes. I took me a while to work out why it was only transfering at 1Mb/s but that’s sorted now. Ill instagram something later

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