Currently loving my new Avata and I keep reading about a mod that will enable FCC mode(ham file). My concern is that if it crashes, or can’t get it back(glug?) DJI will look at the logs and go all “computer says no, the drone was not in CE mode so bad luck”, I’ve had one instance of signal loss that the FCC mod could have avoided, but I’m not sure its worth the loss of care refresh/other polices.
No they don’t I’ve never heard of DJI refusing a claim because of a hack
Get that ham file on the card
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I have an Avata 2 and I noticed that Drone Tweaks (which I use on my Mini3 P and Air2s) now have Avata 2 shown. Do you know if this is a separate file (spend more !) or do I use my orinal file. Aso this HAM mentioned is it a better option thanks Vince
If you only want the FCC then the ham file is free (so better in this Yorkshire man’s eyes)
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You can do both, stick the ham file on a sd card in the goggles will unlock the manual channels and increase the power but not full Fcc
Connect the goggles to the drone tweaks app will give true Fcc as well
This is for the Avata 1 but it’s the same for the 2
I got that wrong way around, have a look at our sponsored video from @Mads-Tech
I am sure its stored on the goggles even when the SD card is removed it still works correct me if i am mistaken i dont think it shows up on the drone @SparkyFPV helped me out with mine
If you use the ham file or an app, FCC will be enabled for good but if you reset the goggles then you will need to redo them
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I think that goes for connecting them too (for Airdata etc)
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It needs to be on your sd card or reconnected to the app if using drone tweeks upon reset.
I’ve wiped an sd card using the in goggles format option and it’s removed the hack and needed to be re added.
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