Bad distortion with M2P, h265 and Log

Anyone else noticed how bad the barrel distortion is with video if you use log?

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Depending on what editor you use, Check this out in our recently talked about Davinci Resolve thread.

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It’s got a great video in it

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Thanks. Useful.

I found a profile for dropping into Premiere Pro.

The annoyance is that we are doing vary careful compositions to align computer models too. Whenever distortions are applied, you loose some footage off the edge of the frame. I understand why DJI might not want to auto-correct Log footage as they might consider it more like ‘RAW’ footage, and the artist wants to control everything, but for me, I’d like to frame my compositions perfectly when flying rather than risk cropping important bits afterwards.

Do you think this will ever be ‘fixed’? I am new to drones and DJI as a company.

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Have a read from this post on.

It bugged me when I first got the M2P.

It’s not something that’s ever going to be fixed.


You seem quite confident in that then?

Yeah it’s been over 2 years. They’ve had plenty of chance to fix it.

Think the issue is the M2P does not have processing power to correct in camera on 10 bit footage.