Bad Flying Morning

Yesterday’s flying at 6am was great, lots of training and manoeuvres in the sunshine.

Today was beautiful at the beach until my Mavic Pro landed in the sea and disappeared out of site…

My friend waded in to rescue the remains, but had no joy.

I went back at low tide this evening and went in with a mask and snorkel, and didn’t find it either :cry:

Mavic Pro ‘Fly Less’ kit anyone? :laughing:

It’s not insured, so I have to decide what to do about a replacement. I could look for an MP with the basics, or move to something else, note sure. Too soon to think rationally.


Ah mate that’s aweful news! Sorry to hear of your loss. Why did it decide to take a dip? :thinking: any warnings? :warning:

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No idea, we were flying just off the shore fairly low <1m.

Maybe I made a mistake, but the first I knew of it was a tiny white spray, pushed the stick to climb, and the other for it to come to me, but it stayed still and dropped a couple of seconds later.

Could be the anti collision system confused by water that I have read about, or me…

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The sensors on the Mavics really don’t like water,
Must be the reflection that plays with the inferred. Can also give fake height readings too back to the handset. I always watch the drone very carefully when getting water shots, never the screen.

Is a shame you’ve lost it. I’d be crying myself to sleep tonight. Good luck in the hunt for a new bird though.

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Thanks @McSteamy2010, I did get a big hug from my wife when I arrived home looking bereft.

Just been looking at Typhoon Hs on ebay… Not sure whether to stray from DJI, which is so well proven.

My friend’s MA2 performed admirably again today, but that’s out of budget.


That’s a really sad thing to happen! Feel for you!

I lost my first and much loved Mavic Air 1 in a Scottish woodland when my mate flew it! I was gutted but on the flip side you get an excuse to upgrade!!!

I guess the sea does swell up n down, maybe that’s what took your drone out?


So sorry to hear of your loss, it’s a feeling I hope I will never have to suffer, gutted for you, it’s like losing your best friend.


Really sorry to hear that mate I nearly lost a drone last year wind nearly blow it away just got it back


Gutted for you - always a risk flying near water. Hope you get a good solution and who knows - maybe you’ll end up with something even better :+1: :+1: :+1:


I’ve had this, flying low over the churning water off a weir made the MP think it had reached maximum altitude and it started to descend. Very sweaty moments as I tried to countermand the descent into the weir, but succeeded…

In future I’ve always turned off downward VPS over water.

So sorry for your loss… Eurgh…

Now could be the time to switch to FPV? Cheaper to crash…!


Mr Edd Ricker explains sensors and water.

my conclusion…

don’t fly lower than 2 metres above water, gives you chance to rescue it :anguished:

Steve :slightly_smiling_face:


20 meters :wink: this gives you chance to go for a swim and actually catch it. :joy:


Ahh man, I feel your pain. I have BTDT and GTTS.

Mine was an old and venerable Phantom 3 SE which I purchased 2nd hand and dirt cheap, and I didn’t lose it to the sea but to trees. However, I spent fruitless hours afterwards searching and family helped in days to come and I got a hug from teh wife as well - so yes, it’s crap but at day’s end it is only an object and they can be replaced.

FWIW - I purchased a Mavic Air to replace that and was very happy with it. Were it now, as a hobbyisy, I’d seriously look at the Air 2. YMMV and certainly other manufacturers exist and are generally cheaper.


I feel your pain, sorry for your loss :o(

Mere baubles as I tell the wife and kids, as long you’re safe and well thats all that counts.


Thanks for all the support and community spirit guys

More than anything this:

and this:

Yes, absolutely; it’s a thing and no one’s hurt. A first world problem set against a background of s many more serious troubles.

The photography and video part has been an amazing addition to my interest in talking pictures, to me it’s been a ‘flying camera’ rather than an aircraft that can take pictures.

I’ll take stock and see what makes sense to buy, and what I can find in budget.


Water does not reflect infrared, that’s why pictures taken in the IR spectrum depict bodies of water as being black.

Left picture taken in white light, right picture taken only allowing infrared light to reach the sensor.

The VPS would not have recognised the water beneath it so any unwanted change in altitude would not have been resisted.



Great IR pic, thanks @Nidge. Off to watch that video.

I though the ultrasonic sensors on the underside on the MP were the sensors and they ‘should’ reflect off water…

Another (expensive) learning experience!


The Edd Ricker video is very good and will explain all you need to know :ok_hand:

Really all you need to know is, don’t fly to close to water :grimacing:

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Interesting :face_with_monocle: thanks for the share :ok_hand: