I believe this is privately owned and may be used residentially so I was discreet and brief during my flight.
My TOAL was at 52.380679, -1.628953 when road was clear.
This location is not shown in DroneScene as being in FRZ, however FLY app has it in DJI GEO zones and did warn of proximity to Birmingham airport
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 17/01/2022. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.
@scraperman DJI drones will limit your height to 150m in the areas you mention which is higher than people should be flying anyway so it’s not really a problem.
Here are the actual airspace restrictions which are thankfully, as you point out, are a very very long way away
I’ve flown here many times, a friend of mine lives over the road and I’ve used his field at the back of his house for FPV practice.
The main issue here is the Windmill itself is residential and the owner lives there. So you risk privacy issues rather than flight restriction issues. I’m not sure if they still open the Windmill to the public. I know that they used to, not so sure this side of covid though.
Just keep a safe height and distance to avoid privacy issues and you’ll be fine
I’ve flown here too, it’s fine. DJI Fly app just warns of close proximity. I’ve had more warnings about aircraft in airspace from the DJI Fly App in places further away from the airport than this. Even if it was in the FRZ, you just get permission from ATC, so I don’t see what an A380 has to do with anything.