What should I be aware of when taking Mavic 2 Pro batteries on commercial flights. I will be flying with Jet 2 next year. I have looked at the list of prohibited, etc items. It seems that I will be ok to take 2 batteries in carry on luggage and I have fireproof bags for each battery. Is there anything else that I should be aware of and am I likely to get any issues when going through security
No you’ve got it covered. I take my drone in carry on luggage with all the batts in a lipo firesafe bag. I’ve had no issues going through security other than having to show them post X-ray, so don’t pack them too well…keep them at the top. On the return flight I always take the sd card out and keep it on me just in case that one officer jobsworth gets all seizy. I have taken 4 batts with me with no issues to Germany, USA, Slovenia, France and Portugal. Make sure you research the drone regs for where you’re going in case you’re asked anything.
When I was travelling to the Far East earlier this year I contacted each airline I was using directly on Twitter. They were all really helpful in explaining their rules and/or directing me to the relevant part of their web site. They all seemed genuinely pleased I’d bothered to ask.
Can’t beat getting it straight from the horses mouth…now where did that expression come from?