Beacon Country Park, Beacon Lane - Abandoned golf course - Added to Forests and Trees in North West

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

Great spot for the Grey Arrows North West Meet Up - lots of open space and a good location for FPV too.

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 16/07/2023. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.



I can’t even click on the “I’ve flown here” button :rofl:

We need a “I’ve been here” button :blush:

Happy to secede this one to your if you want, please feel free to edit it to your pin and I will add I have flown here too :slight_smile:

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I didn’t fly here :blush:

I did a @Kirky and went to a drone meet without a drone :smiley:

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Did the trees give you flashbacks :smirk:

Lol, no, I haven’t hit a tree yet… Or do you mean @PingSpike

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oops hit the wrong reply :blush:

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Oh har-har :rofl:

But in all seriousness, nobody brought a ladder (wtf sort of ill-organised, two-bit meet was this?!) so there was no way I was flying a drone here :see_no_evil:

Do we get a badge :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It was mentioned again today by me :joy: and seeing as I am now god you never know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Putting this in perspective who goes to the wicket without a bat :scream:

I know…, @PingSpike and @Kirky do :scream:

The man bowling you out :grin:


I’ve flown here too @AlbionDrones :grin:


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Enjoyed your footage Suzanne, particularly the shot flying through the arched trees :evergreen_tree::blush:; were there more than one drone flying at a time?


Hi Ken,

Thanks… Yes, there were 3 to 5 drones flying at a time, so some care needed to be taken - those of us flying non FPV did basically stay well clear of the Avata and Flyong Wing, both of which were a lot faster than the more cinematic drones :slight_smile:
If you look at the last scene you can see 2 other drones :slight_smile:

if only we knew a developer that could make that happen :thinking: :rofl:


So did people have to use the ladder you brought when they needed one

I’ve flown here too @AlbionDrones :grin:

I’ve flown here too @AlbionDrones

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I’ve unsuccessfully flown here too @AlbionDrones :grin:

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