Beddington Park - Added to Parks and Recreation in London

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:

Land owner permission obtained.

Permission to fly is complex -

"power-driven" means driven by the combustion of petrol vapour or other combustible substances. No person in the ground shall release any jet-propelled or rocket-Propelled power- driven model aircraft for flight or control the flight of such an aircraft.
Byelaw shall not apply to areas set aside by the Council for the flying of such
power-driven model aircraft in Beddington Park.

So either a drone is not powered an fly all the time. Otherwise is power can depending upon the * is radio controlled.

Just fly it is a big park.

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 17/11/2023. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.

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I wonder if Suttons by-law has changed on this very recently.
I feel battery-powered would be caught by the bylaws interpretation.

The document suggests that only control-line UAVs are permitted in Beddington Park (do people still fly these?), but radio-controlled is allowed at nearby but much smaller Roundshaw Park.

Your call. I feel a reasonable interpretation of the by-laws is different. I have flown lots in the park without hassle. Its a big park.

I seen people climbing in the park, skateboarding, ball games …

I expect to be removed as per clause 48 if they feel an infraction … “Where the infraction of the byelaw is committed within the view of such officer or constable, and the name and residence of the person infringing the byelaw are unknown to and cannot be readily ascertained by such officer or constable”

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