BIG MEET - 9th to 11th June, 2023

hi, where abouts in Wales, i live in south Gloucester, maybe could give you lift ? i maybe camping on site this time to enjoy the evening entertainment/ chats though but i’m sure someone would give you lifts to b&b etc and i could bring you home on the Sunday? regards. Barry

Indeed. No responsible GADC member would ever attach pyrotechnics to their drone. :wink:

( Yes, fireworks are a different matter. :slight_smile: )

Hmmm, this could help with VLOS :thinking::joy::man_running::dash:

And orientation as the smokes coming from the rear :joy: :joy: :man_running: :dash:

I thought he’s just having a laugh and not actually being serious… :thinking:

blinks innocently…
I also kinda found another vid with a drone fitted with a airsoft pistol…
blinks innocently again

Hi Barry7, im actualy in newport, and as my geography is crap and im to lazy to check google maps im not sure how far out of your way you would have to go.

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For the catering side of the Big Meet we could have char-grilled burgers and toasted marshmallows …

This blinking is catching ! :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

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An excellent way to cook burgers!!!

Shh… You might upset @GADC_Committee :joy:

hiya, your not too far away, I work just other side of bridge every day, sure we can sort out times/days, would you go Friday pm? like me? I’d be fine to pick you up etc. Give me someone to chat to on the drive. I may camp ( evenings sound a good crack) or wimp out and stay at a friends like last year, but happy to offer transport there and back, no problem

@Barry7 that sounds great. Will chip in on petrol to. We can arrange times nearer the date.


I thought I saw a thread on potential Drone event with camping planned for summer 2023 a few weeks ago. Done a search can’t find anything. Can anyone advise?


This is what you’re looking for

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Nearest train station is Corby.

I’m from Stamford about 20 mins for me with relatives who live in stanion (next village along)

Work nights but could do Sat/Early sun. Would be great to meet you all

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It’s at the farm that borders Fermyn Woods County Park ( Brigstock )


See you there….:grin:

Hey, just wondering when this is and how experienced you have to be to come? Thanks

depends what experience you’re talking about?

You’ve gotta be experienced in socialising thats all Zero flying experience is required :+1:t2:

dates are yet to be finalised :slightly_smiling_face:

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I will do my best. Would be good to meet some new people and make some friends that are into drones too!

When does the date and time get confirmed?