Didn’t we say that last March and every day since ;o(
There was that one day … just the one, admittedly, but it did happen.
@macspite I can’t hear that song now without thinking of Tony Blair
Things can only get better
Och! … come on!!! Where’s my snow???
You can have some of mine, there’s plenty to go around?
Not according to the weather gods. It’s always in the same place.
I take some please, not seen drop yet.
I’ll pay the postage.
If it’s in drops it’s called rain.
Not seen any of those, either.
Snowdrops are coming out round my way.
Because snow.
I will send some by second class post? Lol’s
Perfect weather out there today. Sun is shining, there’s just the touch of a breeze, a sprinkling of snow still on the ground… and I’m stuck indoors 6 hours into a major DR test for work. Bet it’s pissing down tomorrow too.
today is a beautiful day but I’d need to travel to fly, so i will be a good boy, stick the rules and fit skirting boards instead
Wouldn’t mind seeing a picture of that @MarkR. I’ve never seen skirting boards on a drone before.