Slow moving, too.
Proof, if ever needed, that there is zero justice in the world!
Just one smidgen of (blue) light drizzle.
Sh*t happens
Well was all ready to go out when I went under the sink to get some dishwasher tablets out to find that someone (no names mentioned) has stuffed things in and caused the waste to leak
All sorted now and waste now protected from THINGS causing it to happen again
Also done me back in Damn
Sat with a brew and confined to watching telly may even put a film on (not a bluey)
Probably “player One “
I was more thwarted by waiting for UPS for 6 hours - only for them to deliver a car battery they’d damaged en-route …
So, that’s the same hanging about again tomorrow. Pffffttt!
That’s a bummer
It’s all my fault.
I bought a convertible motor in 2005 - then the summers turned to shite - got rid of convertible.
Bought new bbq, garden furniture and a MP - weather turns to shite.
All my fault - Apologies.
Sound familiar
I bought my house and arranged my mortgage with N&P building society who at the time was being bought by Abbey National well there was a delay of one week and guess what they changed and at the time everyone who had a Mortgage with them got shares which could have been sold for £2000
I missed out by two days
Such is life
That’s today’s plans scotched!
Was off to the annual Garlic Festival … with some random dronage thrown in.
Hmmm …. “Breaking the Speed Limit” comes to mind ……
Soggy in Scotland, @callum?
Actually - it has been peeing down here, too … briefly.
Very very windy at the moment.
I was working from home yesterday and considered a quick fly during my “lunch”, but it was way too windy… We haven’t had rain yet, but that will come by the sounds of it.
Which site or app is that screenshot from?
Some good info on there.
One I’ve used for years - started using in it’s infancy on early mobile phones before they got “smart”.