Budget FPV Starter Kit

Make sure it has a module bay on the back. :+1:t2: a lot of Lite radios don’t support external modules to reduce the form factor of the radio to keep the size small.

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I’ll check it thanks mate :+1:t2:

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I cant find it but here is the link for it

The manual says it has a module bay but looks small to me. Might be worth doing some googling to see if a Crossfire/ghost/tracer module will fit it.

You might be looking at nano modules rather than the micro modules that I’m using I’d guess they have the same functionality just bare it in mind when you come to upgrade to crossfire/ghost/tracer that you’ll need the nano modules not the micro.

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One of these for Crossfire:

Even says it fits the Xlite and X9D :ok_hand:t2:


This one any good?


Yep just found this too Deano cheers mate :+1:t2:

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Thats the same model Deano has I think Steve. Comes highly recommended. This is the other Transmitter that I might go for thanks :+1:t2:


Yep that’s the radio I use :+1:t2:

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Sound so being a complete noob and I know AFA about them is it a good buy and will it do me
Meaning this rc I got with the TH2FS is crap lol

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It’s perfect it will connect to a pc for a sim and it will connect to many different makes of receiver so good for whoops as most of them run FrSKY SPI receivers same as the Tinyhawk out the box.


Thats what I thought when I looked at it with the mushroom sticks lol

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Thanks pal.

I’ll order it now then
So I need a tithing else with it


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The only downside is that it has a bit of a learning curve to get to grips with OpenTX but again YouTube is your friend :+1:t2:


A battery pack as it doesn’t come with one.

Although it’s out of stock :man_facepalming:t2:

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So is the tx16s with them, that’s why I started looking at other radios

:man_facepalming:t2: yeah can be hit and miss with stock

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Cool arrives on Friday
Thanks again @DeanoG60


It’s more addictive than crack this


Can power it with 2x 18650 L-ION cells as well with the supplied battery box.