Caerphilly Castle

Just to make anyone aware, if you’re planning a flight around Caerphilly castle in wales (which by the way is the largest in wales) then hold off until September/August time as they have scaffolding up at the moment which really really is ruining the shots! Just trying to save someone a trip of disappointment!

Wasn’t sure where to post this but hope this helps someone.


Yes, I went a few months back. It was a shame that the scaffolding was up. I understood it’s there until next year though :man_shrugging:

Really wish I had saw your original post before I went :man_facepalming: Was still a good day tho.

I asked the lady on the reception and she told me September? Maybe she was wrong! Im not sure now! Was hoping it would be September time so it would be nice and sunny to fly in to get some beautiful shots!

You can still get decent pics of the castle, but yeah, the scaffolding doesn’t help.
(This photo was taken a few weeks ago)

Found out the hard way a few months ago when i went there to do a 3D photogrammetry scan of it.