Calanais - an Autumn Sunrise. Isle of Lewis - DJI MINI3 Pro

An overnight visit to the Isles of Lewis and Harris in unseasonably good weather afforded an opportunity to attend Calanais at dawn. Lots of footage and a song suggested by a friend came together into this video, something uinque, beautiful and perhaps sufficient to do justice to the site and the music - I shall let you decide…


Stunning - very atmospheric - one of your best Suzanne :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Thank you… A very inspiring place and the music suggested by a friend drove me to make something I think does it justice…

Goes together very well, excellent video as usual :clap:

Just a suggestion for any further videos from your trip if I may? Gaelic Psalm Singing. Very unique, very powerful and evocative. I think it would go very well with some of the footage you’ll have from your trip.

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Yes, I have heard some of it, absolutely stunning, however I can’t find a free mp3 of it that I can use, happy to consider if you have a link to something that I can download and use?

The Back Church made an album in the early 2000’s. Might be worthwhile searching for it and then contacting the church to ask permission?

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Fantastic that :star_struck: it was like a movie was about to start ! :clap:t2:

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Thanls Rich, it was an amaing site and the wether was superb!

Excellent video, Suzanne - almost supernatural! I was there a couple of years and had no drone then, more’s the pity. We had grey skies and, traffic cones, and workmen signs to contend with. Nothing as glorious as this.

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very good.
should be on tv

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Thank you, there is a definite atmosphere there, and we were so blessed with the weathjer, has been excellent all week tbh, a little greyer today, but still flyable… I have about 10 or 12 video’s to edit when we get home…

Thanks… I have one coming up on ITV’s Sunday Morning Alan Tichmarsh show on the 26th November, but have to say I think this is superior…

Stunning bit of work Suzanne, both video and music, you certainly did the Stones credit

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Thank you :slight_smile:



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Thanks :slight_smile:

Just heard from ITV, they want to use this video in January in the Ode to Joy section of Alan Tichmarsh’s Sunday Morning show… If they do it will make 2 pieces of my footage that have been on there :slight_smile:

Done a slightly better edit, found another opening shot and faded out the music slightly better too…


Getting to be a TV star in every way Suzanne! :+1:


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Lol, no way I am personally going to appear on TV, I have a face for radio and a voice for silent movies :wink:

Thanks though, feel pretty stoked to have 2 pieces of footage going on National TV :slight_smile:

Brilliant video and a stunning setting. Bravo!

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