@macspite Do you now what kind of file format they accept for flight paths or is a screenshot of a hand drawn line or two on google maps enough?
They also ask for a centre point and radius of flight zone…
@macspite Do you now what kind of file format they accept for flight paths or is a screenshot of a hand drawn line or two on google maps enough?
They also ask for a centre point and radius of flight zone…
Centre point would be the lat long of the centre of where you want to fly. Radius assumes you are flying in a circle around yourself. If you are, for instance, photographing a rectangular area 100 feet by 300 feet from above say that your radius is 350 feet - that gives you plenty of leeway. Remember it is radius, not diameter so in the above example you have given yourself 700 feet around a 300 foot length.
I imagine that the pc kit that is being used isn’t necessarily state of the art and also access to graphics programs is restricted for most people working in ATC. So a jpg screenshot of a Drone Scene or Google map is fine. They aren’t concerned about your exact plan if you are relatively static for photos, just the boundaries of your operation.
For a flight from A to B use Litchi (desktop is free) or QGround Control to plot a path and screenshot that.