I have researched this, but can’t find an answer, which seems odd.
I live near the New Forest, a spectacular part of the world. While meandering through YouTube I watched one of those annoying drone auditors who took off from a public road and flew over NT property. The normal conversation arose when a ‘manager’ came along.
If I abide by other rules for drone flying, 50m, crowds etc etc, can I park my car off the road, and then TOAL from the road?
As annoying as he can be, if the road is maintained at public expense they have no enforcement rights whatsoever. Just be mindful of NPA bylaws within the New Forest itself.
Yeah that came up in my feed this morning, and, rather against my better judgement I watched it, if only for the novelty of that guy doing something I agree with for a change ! And I have to say I was quite impressed with him on this occasion, apart from his decision to repeatedly rub their faces in what he was doing. He flew safely, and within the rules, and the conversation between him and the NT manager guy was fairly civilised and didn’t result in heated tempers on either side, which was a surprise too.
If it wasn’t for worry that these sort of confrontations could lead to organisations like NT / EH being given control the lower stratum airspace above their lands, which of course will more completely ruin everything for everybody I’m almost in admiration of his aims here, if not his ‘poke the bear’ methods !
Even though they aren’t really listening, he does clearly shows the outright ridiculousness of any privacy-based laws / policies when there are people on the ground with their phones freely able to photo anything and anybody at any time on their property, and for that reason I think more people should see it.