Can I use slow and smooth settings for the PfCO test?


quick question about the PfCO flight test. My EXP and Sensitivity are set up for slow smooth turns and cinematic shots. Should I look to make it a bit more responsive for the test?

I wouldn’t .

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Do you have to have it more responsive?

I think mine would be on Tripod mode if they would allow it Lee

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Don’t you have to fly in att mode?

Atti isn’t an option on the MPZ (without mods) so I understand there are other manoeuvres. On my settings it can take a long distance to make a turn

Nope, I wouldn’t either :+1:t2:

@jimvfrmoto750 If you go along with a Mavic Pro that doesn’t fly atti , then you do your flight test in gps mode.

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Still got my flight test to do and they said not a problem that I can’t put mine into ATTI but that I will just be asked to do more manoeuvres.

I will be keeping mine adjustments on Lee as that is how I would do a fly and it’s about testing your whole planning and not just about flying.


I would keep it as they are , it’s not timed so you can fly as fast as you like .
I did my pfco with a MP
We did the 45 degree accent and decent, the top hat , clock face and figure of 8 followed by a RTH.
Just use something as a marker I.e. centre point when flying so you start and finish in the same place and you will be fine. I used a fence post.

Hope that helps

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The pfco course I’m on states the test I can expect to do requires the pilot to fly square tracks - clockwise and anti-clockwise . First with the camera continuously pointing into the square as you draw it out and then with the camera pointing out of the square.
3iC also recommend pilots buy an RC simulator to practice on so you get to the point where all your control inputs are instinctive - muscle memory.
So I purchased Aerofly RC7 . Trouble is - I got to like flying the model planes to the extent that I haven’t been practicing with any of the drones.


Oh forgot one other thing I meant to ask, as a responsible drone pilot trainee what kind of drills should I do when out practising, what kind of things would you professionals have to do for your test etc not that I am thinking of going down that route but you never know, but just to make me a better flyer.

I try do a few squares and eights to run the batteries down at the end of a flight (if in a big enough space)

Always looking at the drone not the screen.

I was doing squares today, a few with mavic facing forward for the complete square then a few others with the nose facing each corner I must admit forgot about figure of eight so thanks for feedback Chris I only check the screen if I’m looking at the setting always try and keep my eye on the drone in flight as much as possible.

The thing I hadn’t accounted for practicing flying squares/figure eights before my test was the cones.

Flying an imaginary route in my head was fine, but at the test it was “fly over to that cone and stop directly above it, then fly sideways to that other cone, stopping directly above it… then fly a figure 8, with the crossover directly above that cone in the middle.” I was closer to failing that test than I would have liked.

So as well as practicing the shapes, I now work on my depth-perception so I know I can ‘park’ it where I need to. The tip I didn’t know until somebody told me was to imagine there’s a straight line between you and the target, then move the drone onto that line so you know you’re keeping it heading true. If you can’t (if you’re flying between two points down field) then use the camera to line the drone up before you move it and refer back to the camera occasionally to be sure you aren’t drifting off the line. No harm at all in using the screen as a navigational aid when you need to.

Also another thing I needed somebody to point out to me: it’s not a race. I guess that’s only true if, you know, you aren’t actually racing… but in general smooth and steady works better for me :slight_smile:

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Great advise Joe much appreciated I need to steel some cones :thinking:Did I just think that or did I write it :joy:No ceriously really great to get as always very valued feedback from you guys who have been there done it and got the badges to prove it​:ok_hand:

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how far apart were the cones as to what length were you flying straight to get to each cone, can you use tripod mode to keep the speed low etc

Personally I would leave it on the lowest possible setting and there is no rule that states that this type of thing cannot be done