Chesterfield bando Sunday 09/02/25

Im not bothered. Its only a glorified cold, share and share alike.
Get well soon.

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Next time mate, next time.

BTW she is cooking Sunday Lunch :smile::smile:

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Winner winner chicken dinner :+1:


You still going to Chesterfield Bando tomorrow?

Light rain forecast around 0600hrs for an hour.

Then a very slight chance of a shower during the day.

Yep still going.
The beauty of it is we can always fly inside the buildinggs which will also provide cover for us.

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Will see you around 1000hrs then :+1:t2:


Get some video’s posted asap after the meet. Links on here would be good.


Were here now setting up inside


I’ll be there just before 11

Have a great time :slight_smile:

We’re inside the first big doors.


Had an amazing time today, made very welcome by everyone!!! Huge thank you for the lanyard :+1:
Seems my user name isnt AndyT but trouty1 :man_facepalming: thanks again


Good to see those that braved the chill

Thanks for the help Richard gettingmy 5inch which Sach put on the roof. Much appreciated.


It’s ok bud, found you anyway.

Thanks for the advice lads. Appreciated how difficult it is to master flying an FPV. :flushed:

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Socialite badges awarded!

Also Silver Facilitartor badge for @stevesb



No worries. One step at a time. Best advice is get in the simulator.

Wrong Brendan… you want @Brengun

Anyway… great day flying, despite the weather.

A load of flying with the Neo, still a fun little quad that I don’t worry too much about. One incident with it where it had a mind of it’s own, but there were no sats for it at that point (it was inside), it recovered and flew again no problems.

Flew the 7" with O4 for the first time, nearly hit the ceiling on takeoff. Christ that thing has some power. Throttle was at about 10% for a careful flight all around the site and then back. It must be the reduction in weight from not having a go pro, plus I was using a lighter battery. I’m saving that one for flights outside at Drone Circle and the helifield. No issues with GPS. :slight_smile:

The grinderino with 1W VTX had great penetration through the walls and Brendan had loads of fun with that.

Watching @Jord 's O4 feed through audience mode on the Goggles N3 was great, Brendan watched on my phone. Wonderful flying and a complete disregard of the risks of crashing onto the roofs. :slight_smile:

Anyway great fun, see you all next time.


Socialite badges corrected. :+1:

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So gutted missed out on this meet.

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