Child hospitalised after Sky Elements drone light show in Orlando goes wrong

A child has been hospitalised by a falling drone at a light show in Orlando.

Unusual too, as Sky Elements are one of the world leaders in drone light shows.

Apologies for the click bait headline used by NYP, I’m only sharing this link as they have a video of the drones failing.


More info here:

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RID will fix that……oh wait :roll_eyes:


More on this story, this time from a reputable source:





This is happening more and more frequently as drone shows become more popular.
There have been multiple occasions when this has happened at drone shows in China. On one occasion 10,000 drones dropped out of the sky at an event in China.
Video is on YouTube.

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In the first article linked, A mother said her son is in the emergency department, fighting for his life. :astonished::astonished::astonished: Later on, there’s a photo of him with a cut on his upper lip… Life threatening indeed :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I’m going to withhold my usual scorn on this one - seems the drone hit him square in the chest with enough force to leave an imprint. Reports are that it caused damage to a heart valve requiring emergency surgery.

No corroboration on that - it all seems to have been taken from his mother’s Facebook page by various journalists - but doesn’t seem outwith the realms of the possible, even with the photo of him in hospital with a cut lip.

Dunno Joe, I’m a bit cynical of any claims made by Americans. They do seem to wildly exaggerate any injuries they have. Undoubtedly one’s going to say “I’m never going to a drone lightshow ever again in my life, whilst she’s preparing to sue the company for the mental anguish she’s under gone and all those sleepless nights and permanent flashbacks she’ll have for the rest of her life. Her kid on the other hand, will probably get a drone tomorrow morning, under the Christmas tree. ( Yep that’s just cynical old me ) :wink::wink::wink:


Are these events allowed to fly drones over crowds? If so this might need looking at; fireworks displays are done away from crowds so that the viewing angle is comfortable as well as for safety, and I would have thought the same applied to drone light shows…

‘Up in the sky but over there a bit’ seems to me to be the best solution for safety and for crowd viewing, with the crowd looking upwards at about a 30degree angle. Even at air show displays, the planes don’t fly directly over the crowds. The videos show lit drones dropping out of the sky, and my first question would be ‘why was anyone underneath them?’.

387g obeying Newton’s First Law at 90’ per second per second on to an unprotected (safety helmet-wearing) human skull is potentially lethal. I don’t know the technology involved in these light shows, but as I understand it the drones are fairly close together and flying in preset formation to computer programs; sounds to me that if one falls out of position because of a mechanical or electronic failure or battery glitch, it will knock some of it’s neighbours out as well, which may take more out on their way down. You don’t want that to be happening over a crowd.

Which planet is this on?

No, they still need 2:1 seperation

Did you enjoy your Dutch brownies for lunch?

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A solid falling object within the earth’s gravity and atmosphere falls at 90fps initially, but accelerates at 90fps as well, until atmospheric resistance steadies the accelleration, which is known as Terminal Velocity. Grammar school physics, guys…

No brownies, honest. Unfortunately.

I’m just young enough to have been taught ‘G’ in SI units, so I know it’s 9.81m/s^2. I also recall that there are roughly 3ft in a metre, so I think you need to check your numbers. :wink:

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Maybe for a piano falling from the sky :man_shrugging:

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Give over! again…anyhow you didn’t follow the post again :roll_eyes:

If you look they were flying horizontally

No…no and no

This is a drone show layout