Clevedon Pier from above with the Mini 3

First flight over water - nerve-wracking but love the shot I got in the end! Let me know your thoughts!


Fantastic photo :clap:t2:

We’ve all been there :slight_smile:

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Really nice. Great framing :slight_smile:


Thank you! Yeah had some seagulls flying around which made it even more tense! :laughing:

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Thank you! Means a lot!

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It is a very nice picture it looks like something that should be on a wall has that modern look about it :clap:


That’s so unbelievably kind, thank you! :face_holding_back_tears:

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Nicely done! :+1:

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excellent work, you should be pleased. :+1:

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cool pic . flew there last year also with a mini 3 :slight_smile:

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It was nerve wracking. The mini 3 is so small and even at that distance it does become super hard to see. Especially against the grey sky!!!

I now what you mean :slight_smile:

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As I know to my cost, you were wise to be wary of the gulls! I do quite a bit of flying over water, but apart from that incident have had no issues with it. But it does put a bit of extra tension into the flight; if the drone goes down you are extremely unlikley to recover it and it is extremely unlikely to be made operational if you do, especially if it’s been in seawater.

There are advantages, though, including this superb shot. There are fewer obstacles over water, and if like me you live in an urban environment quite a bit of your land flying will have large areas from which you will find it difficult or impossible to recover a crashed drone.

When you build a little confidence you realise that there few reasons that a drone in flight with sufficient battery to get home will crash. Bird strike is one, and it is as well to remember that trees are dicks, and to keep well clear of them as well as buildings, towers, cables, posts, pylons &c. Fly close to buildings to examine architectural details by all means, but take care and fly slowly enough for thinking time…

So flying over water is in reality not much more risky than over land, but it certainly adds a certain frisson. You need to take extra care if you are flying low over water as well, because the downward sensors get fooled by the smooth surface; I’ve noticed the drone being sort of carried downstream with the current when it should be hovering, so you need to correct that quickly! If you are low over a river or canal, the ‘view’ of the positioning satellites may be compromised as well. It’s something to be aware of rather than something to avoid.