Anyone wanting to look at a really good alternative to Lightroom without having to subscribe should try out Afinity. They have a 30 day free trial and 50% off offer currently bringing the price down to £23.99
I’ve been using Lightroom ever since it came out after Adobe bought out Rawshooter which I had been using. Adobe renamed it Lightroom and away it went. I objected to not being able to purchase the later update and being forced down the subscription route so on the recommendation of our local Photo Club tried Afinity. It took a little bit of getting used to but has most of the features of Lightroom (with a few DXO features thrown in). My criticism would be the cataloging - better in Lightroom but at £23.99 its a small inconvenience. Very good for RAW files and haze removal on landscapes
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I’ll give it a look-see
Thanks for the heads-up
+1 for Affinity. Even I can use it.
Nice shot of Apleyhead Lodge and along Limetree Avenue! Thanks