Colourful sunset in Liverpool

I flew my drone over in Liverpool today just before and during the sunset. I did edit the sunset photo ever so slightly so the ground in front was viewable, I am still learning the bits and bobs with the pro functionality but I think with a touch of highlights and added the image came out okay…

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend :slight_smile:


This is what happens when you get the Pro setting wrong! :rofl:

Took the mini4 up for my 7 and 3 yr old grandkids during their visit late yesterday afternoon. I said I’d send them the pictures, (probably wouldn’t have bothered with them otherwise). Must say my 7 yr old grandaughter made an ace spotter!!


Some great photos there!!:fearful:

I must say I knew I had some settings wrong but I had to grab some quick shots as I was starting to get a low battery but hey I do need to research and practice photos in the low light. I know my photos where not too great but hey, I’m learning - any help is appreciated :+1:t3:

What I should of done was expose for the sky and take a 3 x AEB, then expose for the foreground and take another 3 x AEB. Merge the 2 sets of AEB’s 1st and then put them in another edit as layers. Then paint out the dodgy bits of each with the White to reveal Black to conceal thing. Then play with final balance after flattening the layers… Or something like that :rofl::rofl:



@Kirky Sounded like I know WTF I’m unabout Rich but haven’t a clue really. :rofl::rofl:

Your theory is correct I think I’ve done it once or twice, expose for the sky, expose for the foreground, if I can remember rightly, has to be done in pro settings so you don’t get a shift / line when merging the 2 sets I think :rofl:

That bottom one you done I think personally & of course I know very little, it looks pretty good as a whole picture, very dramatic,
I would of maybe made the shadows darker or tried to clean them up a bit but keep dark, the pond / lake in the middle I would have tried a mess around with that keeping the reflection of the sky on it, the sky has plenty of drama anyway & put it all together, some times less is more,

I see a guy do it on YT where there was no foreground but because it was like yours something going on in the picture dramatic ie sky it looked really good when he’d finished.

Yea me too, ummmm I’ll tell ya what :man_running:t2::dashing_away::dashing_away::dashing_away:

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