Competition # 2: Win a DJI Mini 3 Pro Mega Bundle!

I got both emails

Just a thought … have you checked your spam folder?

I got two emails, receipt and confirmation of the winning number…:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yep, and just double checked. Nothing there. Weird…

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Seems like others are getting the expected two emails, so I fear the problem is probably your end.

You could always buy some more tickets to check? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1::rofl:

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Is there any point buying any more tickets if Paul had already had confirmation he’s got the winning number? :crazy_face:

The tickets are showing on DroneScene fine, so I’m not sure what’s gone wrong. The email is definitely nowhere in my mailbox.

@OzoneVibe - you make up selling into an art form… :wink:


Ok, so I may have been susceptible to @OzoneVibe’s sales tactics and bought an additional ticket. Still only got the 1 email which is the payment receipt though… :thinking:

@mynameisjoe and @1977paul - did you both enter the last competition or was this your first one?

Just to be clear…my post re having the winning number was just a joke, sorry if it didn’t come across like that. :disappointed:

I definitely took it as a joke - don’t worry. However if you win now I will be demanding a stewards’ inquiry… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I entered the last one as well Andy, got both emails on both occasions

As long as I chair the enquiry!!:+1::joy:

Wow, What a prize! That’s worth a couple of tickets of anyone’s money.
It only needs one to win. Right !!!
:+1: :tada: :helicopter:

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Just a thought @rustybarnet
been reading your comments re the second email (tickets)
You did answer the Question as well as purchasing your tickets, “Didn’t you?”

I did indeed. All of my tickets are showing in DroneScene so I’m not too worried about it.

my ticket email landed in my spam folder but I did get both emails :+1:t2:

That’s as bad as Yith’s comment that scared me for life.

:scream: :pensive:

its the first one that has landed in spam, so now I’ve added GADC emails to my VIP list to ensure future emails land in my inbox :+1:t2: :grin:


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Thought i had the winning number. Where is yhe clisest corner to go sit in and sulk…

Haha, just follow me!