Congrats to the winners… wish I had been one of them…
First draw I’ve missed in I don’t know how long… and this goes and happens. I’m absolutely floored. Stunned. Speechless. I’ve just had to watch the replay twice in case I’ve imagined the whole thing.
Also… got absolutely nothing droney for my Christmas. I was very sad… now I’m a very happy boy (and very glad I went out and took that picture of a tree - absolutely certain that’s the one what done it!)
Thank you thank you thank you
I need to go and lie down.
I was not watching and normally I do. A conratulations to the winners.
A thank you to G A D C. You made us happy. Nice way to end the year.
x x x
Well done winners was in the pub watching footie and forgot all about it oops
Well done everyone who won . Some cracking prizes there
Also to those who took part and did not win. Keep trying, one day it could be you. I never thought I would win. I just like supporting the club but when I saw I had I was shocked.
We wish you all the best for the next one.
I cant believe how fantastic these prizes are. Well done everyone