Coventry student found guilty of building lethal drone for terrorists

Good riddance to bad rubbishā€¦ :fist: :anchor:


His drone would have been able to carry a thermos flask with chemical weapons or explosives, and was designed to fly into a crowd or building,

Hmm, hot soup delivery drones ā€¦ :slight_smile:

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Thermos flasks are sealedā€¦ and old-fashioned glass ones were fairly fragile, but modern ones arenā€™t going to break open if they hit a buildingā€¦

Rubber dinghy rapids?


But he wouldnā€™t do that because he would have to fly over a croud and thatā€™s against the Drone Code

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A nice bit of jail timeā€¦

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Weā€™ll, thatā€™ll save him over Ā£200 in OP ID payments :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

This is the bit that got me :person_facepalming:t2:

ā€˜Not suited to prisonā€™

ā€œHe is not a person suited to being in prison,ā€ Mr Webster said. "He is in a highly agitated state about the way things have gone.

ā€œHe finds the nature of some of the other prisoners extremely challenging.ā€

Highly agitated & finds other prisoners challenging !!!
Shouldnā€™t have done it then, simple ā€¦

He will be by the time heā€™s get out?

If he makes it out !

Building drones, I think they should put him to work of some of his penance while inside.

I have a FC thatā€™s possible US, a vista thatā€™s not playing ball and a couple more drones that need crossfire installing on themā€¦


I feel he as the time on his hands to help you out :joy: