Da Vinci Help! No audio out when playing Timeline

Set about a new project tonight, and came across a rather large issue. Running Da Vinci 19 - only downloaded a week or so ago and have been doing lots with it. However, tonight I started a new project and it led me to the current issue.

No sound on any clips. The sound is there - the sound bars show the sound is present - but no audio from the software. Tried everything (hours of try) and nothing. The sound is present - and the audio bars behave as they should. I can see the audio file, and the sound is visually present on the audio bars - but silence.

Please help!

Middle-right of Timeline tab … do you see …


… or …


Ok so this issue is a bit weirder than first thought. (Yes the volume is all turned up and the soundbars move within DV as if there is sound there, however no sound is audible on the PC).

But this only seems to happen when I use my bluetooth headphones and not the computer speakers. When it is late I connect to my Sennheisers and the sound from the PC goes through those no problem. But the DV sound never does. The only way around the issue is to disconnet my headphones, restart DV and then the sound plays through the computer speakers, it makes no sense whatsoever as all other sound plays as normal.

I have also had issues trying to start / load DV where it just doesn’t respond and I have to restart the PC. It has worked fine otherwise and produced a load of videos already and I have pretty powerful PC so I don’t think it is a running system issue.

Just really odd. I am going to play about today and see if it replicates.

Ditto - Bluetooth earbuds.

But DR holds onto audio inputs and outputs. In an edit studio environment, with possibly many audio in/out devices, that’s the preferred way.

Without closing DR, you can use the audio setting in windows to change the output device.