Didcot power station remains ( Oxfordshire )

Pictures are not the greatest but thought I’d share , I actually came out for construction and remembered a demolition nearby.


Very nice set

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Thankyou , I know the place very well memories for me as my father worked there many years ago.

Interesting to see it now. Hard to tell if they are still tidying up the demolition, or starting to build something new. Sadly, the main turbine hall that was left after your BBC link caused the death of three demolition workers. They were working on the structure when it collapsed prematurely. It was weeks before it was safe enough to recover them.

I was there for the two demolitions of the six cooling towers, three at a time. My Flickr album of them, before I had a drone, but there were quite a few buzzing around. Didcot Power Station | Flickr

This is Didcot A in its last days as a cloud factory before it was shut down. That was coal-fired. Didcot B remains as seen in your photos, which is gas-fired, and just needs the two lower chimneys.


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I know I remember it was quite a sad story , not to make this topic to doom and gloom , a guy that my father knew at in and around the late 70’s early 80’s he fell inside the cooling tower.

Very sad, he was presumably doing maintenance. The walls were remarkably thin - very efficient structures designed by Frederick Gibberd. I was amazed how little rubble there was after demolition. I was wrong, there were four men killed in the turbine hall accident. Too late to edit now.

Very very sad

Those pictures tell a story a land mark gone used to be able to see them from many places and far away.
Skyline has changed :confused:

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Yup, they were an eye sore in many ways, but so familiar. It’s strange not to see them from familiar places. I fly a paraglider, and will miss them as a landmark.

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