DIY FPV Lap Timer (Analogue/HDZero only I believe)

Having watched the Bardwell videos (links at end) on this I decided to make my own lap timer based on:

You need:

That’s it. Took about an hour to setup, the software was £10.08 for a lifetime solo licence (that’s all I need). I will design and print a case at some point

And following bardwells advice on using a metal bucket I used one of my Lipo ammo boxes, and did stop any false readings. In hours of flying last night I didn’t get ANY false or missed readings! Also compared to DVR checking it was only a few 10ths out, which is good enough for me tbh!


Good post Martin @GunjaFPV
I like these ‘how to do it’ topics :+1: :+1:

Cheers mate. Like to give lot’s of info, and can confirm it worked pretty much without hiccup (my main issue was miss typing my Wifi SSID into the config multiple times and only being able to use it as an access point for a while, it does just work over Wifi without issue).

TBH watched Bardwells video a few weeks ago, but didn’t need it yesterday when made it (just ordered the RX5808).

So yesterday was spent running 10 miles, making that timer, then trying to beat Bardwell with his help! And succeeding. Hopefully get some time to check out my vista, and make some videos from the Saturday flying session!

There are apps for Windows, Android, iOS, probably MAC and Linux too (not checked those two). I tried windows, and android, both the same and fine, though used android in the end when grinding out the laps as I could then just carry the results upstairs on my phone when double checking the DVR!

Yep, want to see what you got of my Swordfish, when is yours due?

Never. Until I’ve tested the Vista, not buying anything. That’s £150 lol, so… be dependant on that!

Nice one… awesome job

What is used for the UI, I assume the telemetry is sent out over Wifi (being a ESP32), is there a mobile app you are using to present it? (have not watched entire video)

It’s an app I guess communicates over web sockets (had a quick look at the esp32 source code). Requires a subscription or purchase. I was going to look to write my own app as thought was a subscription, but for a solo pilot (i.e. what I use it for for racegow) there a lifetime 10 quid option, so just did that

Tried both windows and android apps and work well. Sure they have iOS and probably mac and Linux versions