DJI Avata 2, Goggles 3 - Rumours, leaks, gossip and general discussion

Coming soon :grinning:

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Both of them? :thinking:

Where have you seen this mate?

Maybe :grinning: keeping the options open

D’oh :man_facepalming:t2:

I thought you’d heard something :rofl:

Just some talk on DJI forums etc


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Boooo, they’re just fan renderings :confused:

The rumours have to start somewhere :wink:

Yeah, normally with you!

Remember the DJI Mini 4 Pro rumour you started in May 2022? Look how that ended :rofl:

Mads has me ruined ON with goggles and a sku that matches the FPV (potato and mini potato) numbering format. No idea and very unlikely to be another big potato as the support (read repairs) on that plastic thing we’re insane for DJI. More likely to be another avatar type as that’s solid, as those who have crashed theirs (how?!) Know!

rumour mill is going mad at the mo as DJI have done a crazy Black Friday deal on the Avata so people feel that a new one must be on the way. Its going to be a tricky one to improve on as its such a great bit of kit.

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Actually - it was a Mini 4 rumour. You edited the title and added Pro on 30th Sep. :wink:

Perhaps this thread should be entitled "Anything new starting with FPV or Avata Rumours … " :wink:

Or just call it DJI FPV 2 all versions :wink: :roll_eyes:

Click the running man


What if they skip a model number? :stuck_out_tongue:

Shame as its quite an enjoyable drone to fly (for the limited airtime you get from a pack).

Would be interesting to see them build more of a long range fpv cruiser

Compared to all other FPV drones, and even the avatar it’s got the most battery life of any (non mavic) drone I own.

That’d be more likely, but would need to be solid like the avata

If the avata 2 is coming, they better hurry up. I’ve got a birthday present to buy myself.

Thats true for most of mine too - the exception being my protec 35 6s has about 8 mins on a gentle cruise.

Would only buy dji for fpv again if it offered something different to what I already own and long range would be the only area I could see it being a benefit

Can get 10-15 on avata, and 20+ on the FPV?!

My 5inch AOS following the planes does 8. Obviously a lot lower when hammer it, like I mainly like doing :wink: