DJI Mavic 3 Firmware updates

A thread to discuss firmware updates for the DJI Mavic 3.

Tagging @group-mavic-3

Date: 2022.06.16

Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.0800

DJI RC-N1 Remote Controller Firmware: v04.13.0600

DJI RC Pro Remote Controller Firmware: v03.01.0800

What’s New?

  • Fixed issue: some aircrafts failed to calibrate IMU.
  • Fixed some minor bugs for DJI RC Pro.


  • If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series), and retry.

@Jhdee thanks for posting about the firmware updates in the Mavic 3 mega thread recently :slight_smile:

Date: 2022.11.02

Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.0900

DJI RC-N1 Remote Controller Firmware: v04.13.0700

DJI RC Remote Controller Firmware: v01.02.0100

DJI RC Pro Remote Controller Firmware: v03.01.1100

DJI Fly App: v1.8.0

What’s New?

  • Added Night mode in recording mode, supports 4K 30fps and ISO 800 to 12800.
  • Added Output Quality settings for Hyperlapse, select from High and Preview options.
  • Added ISO 1600 for D-Log.
  • Added Spotlight and POI when using tele camera, supports static subject.
  • Added Cruise Control. Set one of the customizable buttons of the remote controller to Cruise Control to enable this feature.
  • Added Gain and Expo Tuning. The maximum flight speed, brake sensitivity, and other settings can be adjusted in different flight modes.
  • Added support for EU C1 certification.
  • Added support for RID in the United States.
  • Optimized the name rule for footage, the footage name is incremental after formatting.
  • Fixed issue: color was abnormal in DNG photos.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.


  • Added ability to close the prompt by using C1 and C2 button after the Low Battery RTH prompts.
  • Added support for DJI Mavic 3 Classic.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.


  • Fixed some minor bugs.


  • Added ability to close the prompt by using C1 and C2 button after the Low Battery RTH prompts.
  • Added support for DJI Mavic 3 Classic.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.


  • Added features require DJI Fly v1.8.0 or later.
  • Hyperlapse output quality of Preview has no stabilization and smoothness and does not support downloadin Playback.
  • Camera settings will be reset after firmware update, check the camera settings in DJI Fly.
  • If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series), and retry.

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Date: 2022.12.09

Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.1000

DJI RC-N1 Remote Controller Firmware: v04.17.0800

DJI RC Remote Controller Firmware: v01.02.0200

DJI RC Pro Remote Controller Firmware: v03.01.1200

DJI Fly App: v1.9.0

What’s New?

  • Added 4K 24/25fps resolution for Night mode.
  • Added Waypoint Flight.
  • Optimized the flight altitude limit.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.


  • Added features require DJI Fly v1.9.0 or later.
  • Camera settings will be reset after firmware update, check the camera settings in DJI Fly.
  • If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series), and retry.

Just for anyone who owns a Mavic 3.

New firmware available with lots of goodies apparently :+1:


Not all Mavic 3.

Just the Mavic 3 Multi-spectral. A very rare beast.

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Date: 2023.04.25

Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.1100

DJI RC-N1 Remote Controller Firmware: v04.13.0900

DJI RC Remote Controller Firmware: v01.03.0100

DJI RC Pro Remote Controller Firmware: v03.02.0100

DJI Fly App: v1.10.0

What’s New?

  • Added D-Log M color mode for the Hasselblad camera.
  • Added support for DJI Goggles 2, DJI Goggles Integra, and DJI RC Motion 2. Visit and refer to the Consumer Drones and Goggles Compatibility Information for more information.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.


  • Make sure to update the firmware of the aircraft, goggles, and motion controller before linking. The user can use DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drone Series) to update the firmware of each device individually, or use the DJI Fly app to update the firmware:
    a. Aircraft: Update the firmware with the remote controller.
    b. Goggles and Motion Controller: Power on the goggles and the motion controller. Connect the USB-C port of the goggles to a mobile device, run DJI Fly, and select Profile > Device Management. Locate the corresponding goggles. Select Firmware Update and follow the on-screen instructions to update the firmware.
  • Added features require DJI Fly v1.10.0 or later.
  • Camera settings will be reset after firmware update, check the camera settings in DJI Fly.
  • If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series), and retry.

DJI Mavic 3 Release Notes

Date: 2023.09.05
Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.1200 ARB 5
RC-N1 Remote Controller Firmware: v04.13.1000
DJI RC Remote Controller Firmware v01.03.0500
DJI RC Pro Remote Controller Firmware: v03.02.0500
DJI Fly App iOS: v1.11.4
DJI Fly App Android: v1.11.4

What’s New?

  • Added Vision Assist.
  • Added AR Home Point, AR Return-to-Home Route, and AR Aircraft Shadow.
  • Added Vision Positioning and Obstacle Sensing switch.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.
  • Added features require DJI Fly v1.11.4 or later.
  • Camera settings will be reset after firmware update, check the camera settings in DJI Fly.
  • If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones
    Series), and retry.
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Just incase anyone wants to know exactly what these features are !


Now all we need is a competition prize draw to win £1,500 quids worth of DJI Mavic 3 Classic :shushing_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I’m quite amazed that DJI have tapped in to the obstacle sensors so we can see what the sensors can see :eyes:

Screen record so we can see

I think those upgrades a pretty trick tbh, if & when I know mr @SparkyFPV tech guru ( compliment btw ) :wink: you will maybe able to give me the heads up, If it doesn’t break my rc pro for the patch, I’ll be the tester AGAIN :roll_eyes::sweat_smile:

Here’s Aldryn’s take on it.

Fast forward to 3mins for the part you all want to see :slight_smile:

Pretty cool feature, I like it :smiley:


Ok so in all fairness, I never really looked at the sensors of the mavic 3. However, I assumed they were sensors and not cameras. Upon receiving the update this morning, I looked closer and they appear to be cameras. Now it appears that I can change view and look sideways and also in reverse. Has anyone used this yet, how, and does it work well. For those who think I am mad, (more then normal) here is the message on my screen to confirm my reasons for this question.

It appears you launch the mini map and then swipe right.
Just looking now.

Russ, I’ve moved your post to the thread where we discussed this a couple of weeks ago.

Some videos are also here.

Scroll up and have a read :slight_smile:

Cheers. Did not see it… Thanks. )Sorry bout that.

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Russ @Foley
Just thought I’d mention, reading a few posts on a DJI forum, how true I do not know, also more with the mavic 3 pro, has been a few moans of signal drop outs & a few other things, thought I’d let you know, again more aimed at the pro, not all but some :+1:t2:

Cheers thanks for that. Will keep an eye on it next time we take it out.

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