DJI Mini 3 Return To Home - do I have a problem

New to the DJI Mini 3 and drones in general.
On my test flight I tried out the RTH function button on the remote and nothing happened.
Tried again on the attached iPhone running the dji App and I got a “Land” option but still no RTH.
Upon take-off i was alerted that The Home position had been updated so I can’t see where I have gone wrong.
Total newbie so it’s almost certainly operator error but if anyone who knows the answer I’d appreciate hearing from you.

Did you hold the button down till it bleeped & the voice said returning to home ?


How far away was the drone from the take off point?


Need’s to be >20m away to trigger rth, I experienced the same issue when I first started playing with mine, missed seeing the “tiny print” msg that pops up.


Press and hold as @Kirky Rich said :+1:

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I pushed the button down for a second or maybe three - no voice.

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About 50 metres

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Maybe a bit less.

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Try it from a bit further away.

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I’m wondering now if that maybe the case.
I’m a bit tentative about flying a the moment so don’t let it get too far away.
I will try that out ie flying further.
Didn’t see any message pop up - may have just missed it !

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Push down till you hear it “ bleep bleep “ you hear return to home/ go home :+1:


Any Airdata to share ?

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Press the button for 3-5 seconds . The “voice” will tell Return To Home . Make sure the drone isn’t next to you . Wish you a Happy New Year .:fireworks::champagne:

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Just to put your mind at ease a little, my mini 3 will go about a kilometre in a built up area without loosing signal so you can go a bit more than 50m so long as you can still see it you will be fine for signal and won’t loose it

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Hi there Pixels, Question Did Fly Your Drone on Friday 27th Established when we Had Low Cloud Level an Fog , As Had Expertise Similar Issue with My DJI Mini Pro 4 and Established in Clear Weather Everything was Fine , I hope this Helps ,
Alex North London ,DJI Mini Pro 4 Nickname ( DragonFly )
Wishing you A Happy new Year 2025 Also Grey Arrows Flyers

I think the question has already been answered, but, make sure the drone is far enough away from you. I can’t remember the exact distance but if it’s not, lets just say, 50mtrs away when you hit RTH it will just land, or hover depending on your settings. Don’t get nervous about flying too far away, these are seriously capable little drones and the software packed inside them is pretty awesome. I fly mainly in open countryside and out in the hills, far far away. The only time I crashed was very recently at about 15mtrs away!!!
Don’t rely on the RTH by the way. It’s a nice function to have, but build up confidence by flying in wide open spaces. When things go wrong just take your thumbs off the sticks, the software and hardware will do the rest, just don’t panic. I NEVER set my drone to RTH…EVER. I set it to hover, this gives me a chance to re-evalute things and work it out. Then and only then do I press the RTH button, but please don’t rely on it, it can get you into trouble in a few, albeit limited, circumstances.

Get out to fly, enjoy the tech, and learn to trust it.

I had same issue. Fly it out a bit further. It won’t active RTH if the drone is too close to home point.
I also fly dji mini 3.

Absolutely! I’ve only used RTH once in a situation that the drone went a bit wobbly and the RTH button was the last resort.

Fly far and wide and return home manually…What’s the point in spending a small fortune on a drone that you want it to return automatically. :man_shrugging:

Thanks everyone for your helpful replies.
When Christmas / New Year are over and grandchildren have gone home,I will hopefully get a chance to test out the Mini 3 in more depth and get to know it better.

BTW milkmanchris mentioned Air Data - I presume that’s a track log of a flight ?
How do I access that and is it wiped after every flight ?
(or sent to DJI in china to further their spying activities :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Trust the Tech