DJI NEO IMU initializing. Retrieving IMU data (Code: 1600009)

Flew fine earlier yesterday, downloaded the Video ok. Was trying to connect my android phone to view the output of the Goggles N3 and it was taking a bit of time to get the phone to display the gobbles view via a USB cable (kept saying something about a unrecognised Linux drive??, but that’s a problem for another day :laughing: ). So the NEO was sitting powered on for some time, so may have overheated? Anyway, I noticed when I next tried to palm fly the NEO later the same day, it now says unable to take off, “connect to App to see why.”

When I check the settings it says IMU recalibration required.

This I did, it appears to take longer than previously, but eventually it says IMU calibration successful, Aircraft re-starting.

The App says [Preparing to take off] in RED.
But it still cant take off, this time there is a list of error codes:

Flight Checklist Unable to Take off.
IMU initializing. Retrieving IMU data (Code: 1600009)
IMU calibration required. Calibrate IMU (Code: 16100018).
Navigation system error. Restart aircraft (Code: 1610004a, 1603001c).
Sensor error. Restart aircraft (Code: 16100009; 1610004a, 1603001c).

I have tied restarting a couple of times, but still get the same result.

I even tried refreshing the Firmware using DJI Assistant 2 to the Current FW: V01.00.0400
But still get the same result, anyone else had a similar problem with the NEO?

And how easy is it to get it fixed/replaced ect? I have a DJI mini 2, mini 3 pro, the NEO, Goggles N3 and FPV controller, and this is the fist problem I have had, so haven’t got any DJI refresh or anything yet. :frowning:
And was having so much fun learning FPV with my NEO, I’m missing it all ready!

Raise a ticket with DJI and they will sort it

I use the online chat

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Thanks Sparky, just done that, and they emailed me a QR code, I’ve just got back from dropping my little faulty NEO off at the local DPD collection point (less than 500m) from my front door :grinning:. And even before I got back home :house: had another email confirmation, “It’s on it’s way!” Hehe :joy::laughing: Merry Christmas :christmas_tree::gift: and a happy New Year to drone flyers everywhere :smile:.

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Update: Just received a couple of e-mails and a phone call this morning from UK DJI Support to say:
“After testing your product, DJI has determined to provide you with free repair service. The repair is expected to be finished within 2 to 3 business days, after which the product will be sent back to you.”

A few hours later I receive another couple of e-mails, one of which was from DPD saying:
“We’re expecting your DJI UK Service Centre parcel. We’ll be in touch when we have it and it’s out for delivery”

For INFO. Checking the repair report it said:
Circuit Board Module Quantity: 1 Total Net: £26.67

Repair Service Fee Quantity: 1 Total Net: £35.00

Total costs £61.67 FOC.

So fingers crossed my little NEO should be home soon! :smiley:

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A new one will be posted tomorrow :+1: