DJI Osmo Pocket 1 mega thread

Experiments complete.


They’re all shit.

The official DJI one is muffled. The Saramonic one offered no improvement over the built in dual-mics.

In fact, they both suffer from low pickup levels. Even with both external mics set on +20dB gain the are still noticeably quieter than the built in mics :thinking:

The whole lot is going back to Amazon.

This though:

I absolutely LOVE! :clap:t2:

It allows me to pick up the camera knowing full well it’s fully charged and ready to go.

Fits ok in the pocket too. Plus, when I’ve finished using the camera it starts charging it up again right away.

So simple, very practical.

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I was lucky enough to grab one of these during the Amazon Prime event last week, and it’s a brilliant bit of kit.

One question though… I’ve noticed that 4k 60fps footage is jerky when published to YouTube. The offending video plays just fine on the Osmo and on my phone once it’s been transferred.

Has anyone else seen this? Is it a known issue?



You’ve almost answered your own question there @Ned :slight_smile:

If the video plays fine everywhere before it gets to YouTube, I’d then be looking at YouTube…

I’ve never uploaded to YT before but I read a lot on here about how long YT takes to render any uploads in full HD for some reason.

Could this be the cause? Have you tried playing them back at a later time to see if it’s improved? :thinking:

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Aye, it does take a while, with YouTube processing different resolutions from the bottom up, lowest quality first.

I’ve given it a good 24 hours so processing should be complete, it was only a 2 minute test video.

It’s not a problem though, I’m still happy with my Osmo!



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If the resolution is available - then processing has been done.

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How did you upload it @Ned ?

I used the YouTube app on my phone.

Did you edit in the Mimo app ?

Have you tried uploading/backing up to google photos then share it from there to YT?

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No editing in Mimo.

I’ll try what you’ve suggested and let you know.



Take a look its pretty good (i’ve used for the OM3)

I hear the pocket 2 is coming out on the 20th so that might just tempt me lol

Yup - info on that one here : DJI (Osmo) Pocket 2 mega thread

Not for me, though.

I’ve just tried that and get the same issues. The only option I can see in Google photos is to share via an app, that app being YouTube.

The gimbal joystick from the Osmo Pocket 2 is compatible with the Osmo v1 :clap:t2:

No stock available anywhere yet (of course there isn’t, this is DJI remember :roll_eyes: )

But here it is, at some point in the future:


Amazon are taking pre-orders for this joystick with delivery on Saturday apparently:

Anyone rigged up a bluetooth or other wireless mic to the DJI (Osmo) Pocket? :thinking:

anyone think for £100
a dji osmo pocket (£329) one and accesory kit (worth £99) is a bargain? haha