DJI Osmo Pocket 3 mega thread

Is that @Kirky :joy: :joy:

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Bringing the Osmo name back to the Pocket model again? :thinking:

And how cool would it be if that screen rotated when not in use, to make it the same width as the rest of the body :thinking:

… for portrait mode! :+1:


Nooooooooo!!! :scream:

Brilliant if it does do portrait mode, it would match all my drone footage :upside_down_face:

Yet your avatar has you shooting proper

You sussed me out Chris.

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One inch sensor.
Three microphones.
Rotating screen.


Thankfully no portrait videos :sweat_smile:

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Imagine folks will try, by turning it on its side

Akin to giving chimps tinfoil to play with

New leaks @clinkadink


Are you sure?


Absolutely not, every single post in this leaks thread is still all speculation. We can but hope.

@dobby just saw me looking at this thread and immediately said ‘No, delete it, no more toys until the others are all paid for!’

But that wasn’t a definite no, it was a once things are paid for, I can live with that :wink:

Told you this forum was dangerous to my bank balance…

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Launching on 25th October, “For moving moments”:


Unsure of pricing yet, but for reference, current pricing on the Pocket 2 is:

  • Pocket 2 = £339
  • Pocket 2 Creator Combo = £469
    — Do-It-All Handle
    — DJI Wireless Microphone Transmitter
    — DJI Wireless Microphone Windscreen
    — DJI Pocket 2 Micro Tripod
    — DJI Pocket 2 Wide-Angle Lens

Portrait mode spotted …

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Email from DJI confirming their love for vertical shots :rofl:

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Creator combo (not sure if they’re keeping that name):

Also interesting to note that the gimbal now rotates a full 180° in on itself when powered off, added protection for the lens.