DJI P4 RTH Altitude Issue

Today I was practising ahead of my PfCO at the weekend. I have set the P4 RTH altitude to 30m, plenty for the area where I am operating. When I initiated the RTH the P4 yawed and stabilised in the corrected heading and then ascended to the RTH altitude, but it continued to ascend beyond the RTH altitude and I had to intervene and cancel the RTH procedure.

Has anyone else encountered this issue with the P4 and if so what was the fix?

I will be heading back out tomorrow to do some more flight tests before I head off at the weekend to do my PfCO.

Cheers in Advance

Is it possible it was too close to the take off point to actually perform the full RTH function? I believe if it’s 20m or less from the take off point it will just descend when RTH is initiated.


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Cheers for the response. When initiated it didn’t depend it turn to home then ascended and continued past the level set, I had to stop it to manually return.

When I did my pfco flight test they made us bring the back in attitude mode just to prove if you lost gps you could still control it and bring it home and land it :thinking:

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Sorry about that, I got my ascend/descend arse about face :flushed:.
