Hi all……I was out filming a Hyperlapse earlier today with my Air 3 and the drone was happily clicking away taking photos as it does, when suddenly I noticed the screen on my RC2 controller had gone blank.
Must admit I panicked a bit before releasing I still had control of the drone and it was still carrying out the Hyperlapse. Tried to get the screen to come back on by clicking and hitting a few buttons but no luck.
I managed to stop the Hyperlapse and hit the RTH button and the drone eventually landed.
I’ve never had that issue before and was wondering if it’s firmware related or pertinent to the Air 3. Let me know if you’ve experienced anything similar please.
I’m running the latest firmware by the way
Sounds alarming!! But without a connection between the controller and drone, it would RTH anyway - how did you confirm it was actually continuing with the hyperlapse mission with a blank screen? I can’t find anything about a screen saver on the RC2 so this seems dodgy…and something to keep a good eye on following rc2 reset
Hi … yes it was still taking photos….i could hear the photo snap sound coming from the controller….so assuming it was still taking shots. I also had the drone set up to hover on loss of signal not RTH… but luckily I still got it back home.
I’ve tried it again since and not had any issue but I did find something on the net yesterday hinting other people have had the same issue