OK i was going to show my mums boyfriend the drone i took off and less than a minute flying up a bird wiped out my drone! I looked at the flight log it was 1 minute in the air and i got to 33 meters before being wiped out.
It disconnected from the RC i found the drone on the next-door neighbour’s driveway upside down with the props still spinning what was left of them i had to grab it and pull the battery out.
I have paid for the DJI care refresh, but this drone is destroyed will they cover it i have gone through the process paid £62 but they have not asked anything about what happened so what happens now when they see the drone and see it’s not fixable?
Here is a picture of my poor drone, if this cannot be replaced i think that’s me done with drones as i cannot afford to replace myself for just another bird to fancy taking a disliking to the drone.
Has anyone else gone through the DJI refresh plan what was your experience like? what’s my chances on getting a replacement drone? on got it in May
I have paid for drone express have i done the wrong thing? it’s pretty confusing their web site.
Sit back and relax!!! You will get your shiny replacement soon. If you’ve paid upfront already, as soon as they receive your broken drone they will stick a replacement into the couriers. If you hadn’t paid upfront they would have waitied on receiving yours, then assessed the damage and sent you another email with a quote for repairing yours or an offer of a replacement for the excess of 62 quid. The quote for repair would have been excessive and many times more than the excess. Plus it would take much longer to get the drone back in your hands.
My last only took 7 days from sending to receiving
The previous was 10 days
Pretty good service IMHO
So was i what i think happened it got hit by the bird it then smashed into the roof, but it should have stopped.
I have also requested for a new battery as there was an option if i needed the battery replaced as well, not sure if thats a new thing they are now doing? as the battery is slightly damaged the part that is visible at the back of the drone.
That feels me with some hope, as i thought it would just be a refurb which is better than nothing i guess. Im still waiting on the email with the delivery instructions so hope that will not be to long.
It might be a refurb to be honest. You won’t know till you get it and check serial numbers. But with the mini3 being so new there is a good chance you’ll get a brand new one. To be fair when they say refurbished, you wouldnt be able to tell they were without checking the serial.
WOW that’s a fast turnaround, just got my replacement drone today! DJI said my care refresh is automatically transferred to the new drone, just done the firmware updates now need to get the courage to fly again! When it’s something that caused you to crash that I had no way of avoiding is making me get anxiety thinking about flying.
I’m equally impressed.
I sent my M3P back on Friday after my own idiocy led to stuck motor warnings.
I dropped it at a UPS shipping point on Friday, it was delivered to DJI today, and I just got an email saying it (I presume a new/refurb unit) will be delivered back to me tomorrow. So that will be 5 days from sending to receiving replacement, over a weekend!
I couldn’t find it on Google or on that forum either, hence asking for a link to the source
I was desperately hoping it was true - it would have been really useful to know how recently they started doing that and if it applied to any other models too, or just the Mini 3 Pro
There are a couple of serial number decoders knocking about, not sure if this works on newer models: http://tools.retroroms.info/
How can I identify a DJI refurbished product? Look at the serial number . All DJI refurbished products will have a serial number in which the fifth character is “S” or “R.”
I’ve just got the mini 3 back after a gimble motor problem. It took 7 days in total, from the 10th to 17th.
The unit looks a brand spanker to me, no refurb looking part about it😁
Happy as the proverbial Larry with the whole process