Does a movement disorder or panic attack curtail your enjoyment?

Hi all, im just curious who lives in the scottish highlands? Im hoping to get out after christmas for some therapy flying. I have PTSD and Tourette’s so I guess things could get sporty.

Does anyone here find that a movement disorder or panic attacks curtail their enjoyment or gives them drone block?

Thanks in advance, i may not be the quickest to reply but will :slight_smile:


@ryanbailey When I 1st started flying it induced panic attacks Ryan, and I dont mind admitting to the odd profanity either. :rofl:

I"m no expert on PTSD but if your willing to pass that potential barrier and feel the excitement and pleasure it brings, especially in the spectacular wide open countryside of the highlands, then I would imagine it would be wonderful…with no-one to to witness any colourful behavioural traits that are often associated with Torrettes. Get stuck in mate!


I suffer with severe anxiety and have ptsd too, every time I fly I’m so nervous up until my drone is in the air, i also bought a fluorescent bib with a warning not to approach the drone pilot, I’ve had a few people enquiring about my drone whilst it’s up in the sky, i politely ask them to wait until I have landed.
Sadly ill health prevents my ability to get out and fly much, along with the good old Yorkshire weather


X Jet ( Bruce Simpson ) has a channel on YouTube and has always been passionate about RC aircraft and drones. He’s now in his 70’s and has Parkinson’s disease. Hasn’t stopped him flying as yet ( although his local council has all but stopped him by making up the rules as they go along) He says he only flies when he feels capable ( the good days) and doesn’t when the Parkinsons is too much ( the bad days ) :+1::+1:


I have essential tremor in my howl body and find it more therapeutic to a degree. It takes my mind off the stress of life in general as I enjoy flying.
It gets a bit more noticable when flying aircraft when landing.
I enjoy the hobby but with all these new rules its becoming difficulty to fly aircraft or drones.
So I would say go and enjoy the hobby and make the most of it. You will find it relaxing once you get into it.


I’ve got essential tremors in both hands, and it’s never stopped me! In fact it was one of the reasons I took up flying drones because if my hands started to shake too much, I just loose the sticks and wait until I can take control again.
I’ve just started with GPS helicopters (fly like drones but even bigger than my Inspire) and as soon as the weather stops being a pain in the arse, I’ll get out and fly.


Guys it’s nice to know i’m not alone with my tremors in my hands , i really enjoy flying .

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You should see me eating peas or a bowl of soup, my eighteen month old granddaughter makes less mess!

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That’s why I have mushy peas ?


Good idea, but I only have them with fish and chips!

what is the make of the helicopter? I could never get over the cost phase oh :poop:that’s expensive quick land it :joy:

FlyWing FW450 V3, GPS, RTH, Automatic Invert switch. Full set with battery, charger and remote around £500ish